
Providing individual counseling.

Treatment specialization includes:

  • Therapy for Depression and Anxiety
  • Parenting Support
  • Grief Counseling
  • Work and Career issues
  • Stress Management
  • Addiction & Recovery

We work with a wide range of emotional and behavioral issues providing services that span from therapy for depression and grief counseling to parenting support and beyond. In a comfortable and supportive atmosphere, we offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each of our clients' individual needs to help attain the personal growth they’re striving for.


Jennifer is a professional speaker and offers talks and workshops on more effective emotional management.  Visit the Speaking page for more info.

Simply Take That Step

Have you, or anyone you know, struggled with managing the emotional stress that comes with growing a business or pursuing a big dream?

Jennifer Schrappe has spent years helping others get unstuck, find peace and freedom, and get ahead.

As a business owner recovering addict herself, she has learned the hard way about how emotional issues can greatly interfere with starting and growing a business. She found that implementing some simple steps will allow one to take care of their emotional health, maintain their recovery and also succeed in business.

It is Jennifer's passion to teach these simple steps to others, as well as to provide ongoing support. Thus, the Simply Take That Step membership was born.  The membership offers lessons on managing the stress of growing a business while also protecting one's emotional health and/or recovery.  It also offers weekly coaching calls and coworking sessions. 

Here's the website:

Finding Peace & Hope With Money

Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns with money? 

  • You’ve tried to set a budget but just can’t stick to it 
  • You’ve struggled with overspending
  • Maybe even thinking about money brings you some tension
  • You’re repeating the same unhealthy patterns, year after year
  • Perhaps this has even been a repeated source of conflict in your relationships

If you identify with any of the above, the issue may not just be with how you manage your money. There could be emotional reasons that keep you stuck, not able to get ahead.

To help people make real financial progress, Brian Johnson, a Money Coach, and Jennifer Schrappe, a Clinical Counselor, have put together a mini-course called Finding Peace & Hope With Money to address these struggles head on. They often offer coaching programs in which cohorts will meet regularly over Zoom for live trainings, inspiration, and support. These trainings will not only teach sound financial management, but will also equip participants to thrive emotionally with their money.

In this coaching program, participants will gain:

  • A better understanding around their struggles with finances
  • A tried and true roadmap for successful money management
  • Inspiration, support, and encouragement from fellow cohort members, as well as learning they aren’t the only ones with money struggles
  • Healing and peace in areas where there have been long-standing struggles with money
  • A self-compassionate and ~chill~ way to manage their finances

For more information, visit https://www.simplytakethatstep...

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